The Skill Ratings API is for retrieving skill ratings for a given entity.



Objects used by this API

Skill Rating object

Name Data type Read only Description
skill_id integer Yes The unique identifier for the record, used to reference the record in other API interactions.
skill_name string Yes Skill name
skill_level decimal Yes The skill level, rounded to two decimal places. By default averaged skill ratings returned. If you wish to retrieve only self or supervisor assessment ratings, use the optional "type" parameter below.
interest_level decimal Yes The interest level, rounded to two decimal places. By default averaged interest ratings returned. If you wish to retrieve only self or supervisor assessment ratings, use the optional "type" parameter below.


GET /skillratings

Gets Skill Ratings for the Organization.

GET /skillratings/person/:id

Gets Skill Ratings for the specified Person.

GET /skillratings/team/:id

Gets Skill Ratings for the specified Team.

GET /skillratings/role/:id

Gets Skill Ratings for the specified Role.

GET /skillratings/location/:id

Gets Skill Ratings for the specified Location.

Query string parameters

The methods within this endpoint accept the following additional optional parameters, passed via URL query string:

Parameter name Data type Accepted values Description
type string "self", "supervisor" Optional. If specified, will return only self-assessment or supervisor assessment ratings depending on the value provided. If this parameter is omitted averaged ratings will be returned by default.
string "summary", "person"
Optional. When "summary" is specified,a collection of Skill Rating objects is returned, with summary (averaged) skill and interest levels calculated for all people holding that skill. When "person" is specified, a collection of people is returned, with each person containing a collection of their own skills.

This parameter is currently only supported for the team, location, and role endpoints.
date Any valid date in the format YYYY-MM-DD Returns only skill ratings modified on or after the specified date