If the person already exists in the system:

  1. Click the Teams menu item
  2. Make sure the "Show people" checkbox is ticked
  3. Drag and drop the person into the desired team.

If the person does not yet exist in the system, and you wish to have them join by invitation:

  1. Make sure you have some teams set up in the system
  2. Click the People menu item
  3. Click "Add people"
  4. Click "Yes" when prompted if you would like them to be able to log in.
  5. Click "Add people by invitation"
  6. Enter the email address(es) and click "Send invitations"
  7. Select desired team for each person from the drop down menus.

If the person does not yet exist in the system, and you wish to add them manually:

  1. Click the People menu item
  2. Click "Add people"
  3. If you want this person to be able to log in click "Yes" when prompted, followed by "Manually add a person", otherwise click "No".
  4. Fill in the details for the person and select a team
  5. Click save

If the person does not yet exist in the system, and you are using Single Sign On:

  1. Go to Admin -> Settings -> Single Sign On
  2. Locate the "Default team" option and select the desired team to apply for all people created via Single Sign On.