As an additional module available to customers, the Training Module allows your organization to map training content from an external Learning Management System or any other online source to skills and skill levels in Skills Base.

Training will be suggested to users based on their current skill level and targets, to help them progress their abilities and further their skills growth.

Create Courses & Skill Mappings

Add a course in Skills Base with a URL link to the relevant training module.  Map the Course to a skill and rating level.  See Create Courses & Skill Mappings for more information

Complete Training

Based on the users skill rating and competency target assignment, training courses will be recommended for skills that have courses mapped to them.  See Complete Training for more information.

Manually add courses to a person's Training list

Based on the users skill rating and competency target assignment, training courses will be recommended for skills that have courses mapped to them.  Additionally, people and supervisors can be given access to manually add additional training courses that aren't automatically recommended to them by Skills Base.  See Manually adding courses to a Training list for more information.


For users granted with the "Reporting->View->Training Analysis" Security Group privilege, they will be able to view training course and skill level mapped over time.  See Training Reporting for more information

Training Settings

Users will be recommended training at different priorities depending on their skill level and any competency targets the user has.

  • High Priority - courses that are between a person's current skill level and their targets
  • Medium Priority - courses that are above any targets that are set, or if no targets are set -above a person's skill level
  • Low Priority - below a a persons current skill level

The Training settings options allow Administrators to turn off the different recommended training priorities.  Note - this will remove the recommendations from all users in their training tab.

Security Group settings


  • List: Ability for the Security Group to see the list of Training Courses
  • Directory: Ability for the Security Group to see the "Courses directory" menu item
  • View: Ability for the Security Group to click and view the dashboards for Courses
  • Modify: Ability for the Security Group to change the details of Courses


Course Mappings

  • List: Ability for the Security Group to see the list of mapped courses
  • Directory: Ability for the Security Group to see the "Course Mappings" menu idem
  • Modify: Ability for the Security Group to change the details of mapped courses


Ability for the Security Group to see the Training tab of other People.


Ability for the Security Group to manually add Training courses to another person.

Reporting->View->Training Analysis

Ability for the Security Group to run the Training Analysis report.


Ability for the Security Group to see their own Training tab on their dashboard.


Ability for the Security Group to manually add training courses to their list.